Wednesday 23 May 2012

Creativity and drama was our theme at the New Elementary school today. The children in my year 3 (Uk yr4) love acting and drama, so the activity was a success. Firstly, we recapped the body parts in English and they passed this in flying colours. Their English is amazing at this school, not only because they have amazing English
teachers but the kids here are really interested in languages. Spanish, French and English are amongst the languages that are taught here.

We then moved onto imagining our own monsters; how many heads would the monster have? What would its main qualities be? What would it look like? These were some of the main questions that the children had to tackle. Once we'd perfectly imagined this we put our ideas onto paper. Below are some of the brilliance the children came up with.

Once we were focused on our monsters and what type of monsters we wanted to be, the remainder of our day consisted of acting out our monsters in different scenarios. We (including myself) really got involved, 
rolling on the floor, eating one another, we were so into it that we were told to keep it down for
distubing other classes. Oops!

Some of the children's ideas of 'monster' was slightly different to the mainstream..

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